water fountain in sitamarhi, This video is about how to make a small tabletop water fountain. We did not use any conventional water pump from market. We made our own small pump using a 5V DC motor.Bainergizer, youtube channel is founded by Saurav Chakraborty. Its acts as brain energizer for students and kids by giving science and technology related ideas, tutorials. Inspire them to make those by yourself and get more hands on, diy projects, Diy ideas, Diy craft, Diy home and many more ideas to improve their skills. There are several technology related ideas, video tutorials, on designing a robot, building a robot, robot how to make, robot ideas, remote control, toy, motor boats, under water robot, climbing robot, walking robots. The channel also provides knowledge on different kind’s of electronic toy, science project, science experiments, art works, airplanes, birds, hovercrafts, robot kits, educational kit, kits for kids and many more. This is a good source of school projects, kids p